Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monsoon Weather: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

I love the whimsical ride that goes with this movie. This universe of food weather exists on their own terms. The movie doesn't tug on the emotional heartstrings as much as Pixar often does with its films.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is all about gluttonous fun, a laugh trip over junk food we loved as children and the guilty pleasures we suffer over food even now as adults. 

If this kind of food weather was to suddenly replace our monsoon weather. I guess Manila would be flooded in: 

• Dinuguan
• Balut
• Fishballs
• Banana-Q
• Crunchy Kropek
• Suman Mais
• Giant atis
• Sago at Gulaman
• Bibingka
• Jollibee Chicken Joy
• Danggit
• Durian

I think I am just as eager to get crushed by a giant lumpia too.