Tuesday, January 26, 2010

LoloCow Builds A Doll House - Part Deux

Part Deux of our Dollhouse Chronicles where the paint swirls are quite hypnotic!

This is where I left off last week with LoloCow, lotsa hammering and measuring with the wood panels. And now, the much anticipated progress!

Apparently, LoloCow almost finished the thing. I wasn't able to take pictures of how he made the roof though.

My Dad taking a break. Lolo Cow (which means Grandpa Cow) is quite happy with his little woodwork project. The kids can't wait till morning and they have taken over the unfinished thing.

A giant spider invades the doll house. Cow goes nuts! 

Attack of the Fraise: Pink is my niece's fave color.

I think any little girl her age is crazy about pink. Much to my dismay, the whole dollhouse would be strawberry-themed.

My sister Cookie helping out with the paint job all throughout Saturday night. Unfortunately, they forgot to buy the paint putty.

The roof! Something Strawberry Shortcake would delight in.

By morning, my niece woke up screaming, she was ecstatic to find the dollhouse with the paint finally dried up and she wasted no time in putting in all her toys again.

Its a miniature world

The front of the dollhouse.

The pink is overwhelming. I think I would prefer mine in white with a red roof plus some retro wallpapers for each room.

The back of the dollhouse. Wow! Quite cozy!

Cookie and my very happy niece, Sasha. Look at that big smile on her face!

She never forgets to kiss her LoloCow everyday just to thank him for his wonderful handmade gift- the dollhouse of her dreams.


Christie - Childhood 101 said...

Wow, what a fantastic dollhouse, I am so jealous!

madhatter said...

Oooh thanks for dropping by Christie!

Anonymous said...

lolocow can make good business for that. hhehehe gusto kung magpagawa for my lil' C. pwd po ba?

madhatter said...

Hi Anonymous, yeah pwede I can ask Lolocow :) Email me anytime for details at mommy_cow@yahoo.com

KCee said...

That's one beautiful dollhouse! I think what made it really special is how Lolocow lovingly created it. =) He's like my dad who loves to make things for us. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

its amazing... its been years of searching the doll house of yours... it would delight my baby girl if i could get 1 for her... can i ask lolocow to make me 1 too??? plzzz...